THATCamp Games 2013 2013-04-22 16:33:28
From the organizers of THATCamp Games II to all of you toasters and viper pilots, zombie survivors and woe-begotten families, forest ratmen and diplomatic halflings, escapees on an alien ship, super heroes, response teams, bumpercar monkeys, RenFaire junkies, kung fu masters, codebreakers and cypher hackers, and so many more — Thank you!
Your participation and insights and interest and instruction helped to make TCG2013 the success we hoped that it would be. We hope that you all enjoyed yourselves, made some connections, learned something new, and found time to play.
Over the next few weeks, I will be compiling tweets and Google Docs and notes and pics for a 2013 version of Data Data Data. To that end, if you organized Google docs, have images, converted to digital notes (and are willing to share), please send them along to me at either lxz11 [bei] case [dot] edu or tcg2013 [bei] gmail [dot] com.
I hope to see you all in the not too distant future! And, keep an eye out for future THATCamp Games