Notes from New Digital Scholarship / Unpress session
The session was proposed by Adeline Koh — session description here: philly2011.thatcamp.org/09/22/new-digital-scholarship-and-returning-to-the-unpress/
I’m not so good at tracking the conversation, but here are some related links:
- Chronicle article: “Building a Better University Press or Unpress”
- Notes from the THATCamp 2011 UnPress session
- Whither THATCamp UnPress
- Planned Obsolescence open online peer review
- NY Times article on Shakespeare Quarterly open online peer review
- Your Twitter followers and Facebook friends won’t read your peer-reviewed article if they have to pay for it, and neither will strangers
- MPublishing — new-model press at Michigan
- PressForward — new-model publishing initiative at the Center for History and New Media
- MediaCommons — new model imprint at NYU Press
- Steve Ramsay — “Open Access Publishing and Scholarly Values (part two)“