Saturday’s Sessions – What you need to know
Hello Philly THATCampers!
Here’s what you need to know about Saturday:
- UPDATE: We haven’t yet maxed out on attendees for Saturday, so if you want to bring a friend or two, they’re welcome to come! (If lots of people bring friends, we may have to turn away non-registrants — but it’s a gamble well worth taking.)
- If you can’t attend, please send a note to " >
- On Saturday, Session Proposal Voting runs from 8:30am-9:15a.m.
You should be here for this…it’s this process that makes THATCamp unique! And makes it YOUR THATCamp! - If you haven’t already proposed a session idea, login to the website and post your idea for a conversation topic.
You should have received your welcome/login details several weeks ago (check your spam too). - Visit this page to familiarize yourself with how THATCamp works, for more tips about proposing a session, and details about the general timing of things.
- Before coming, you should read over the session ideas other campers have proposed on the website. (This may also inform your own proposal ideas.)
- Drinks will be available all day.
- Lunch break is 11:30am to 1:00pm. There are tons & tons of places to get food close to CHF — check here.
- We will not provide any meals or snacks, so plan accordingly! You can bring your own snacks, but please do be tidy — we want to be invited back to CHF!
- There will be some power strips in each room, but not enough for everyone to be plugged in all the time. Be a good citizen. And if you want to help out and make it easier for others to share the juice, your kindness will be appreciated.
- We’re having a post-THATCamp hangout at National Mechanics (22 South 3rd St.) around 5:00pm. We understand if you have to travel back home, but we hope some of you can attend to keep the conversations going.
See you there. Bring your brains, ears, and mouths. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes are optional.
Categorías: Administrativo Etiquetas: admin