Utilizzando i dispositivi mobili per supportare l'apprendimento situato e impegno culturale
I propose a session to discuss opportunities mobile devices provide to connect us with arts and cultural artifacts in our communities. Mobile devices, coupled with ubiquitous connectivity, now offer unprecedented opportunities for these connections. Two projects I am engaged in can serve as case studies to launch discussion. TourGuide is a cross-platform mobile tour creation app geared at connecting students and the public with significant places in their communities by facilitating easy creation of location aware tours. Our Augmented Reality Project weaves together architecture, historical and cultural objects, and scientific concepts by overlaying informational and historical data on present day landscapes. Questions we may consider include: How might we best leverage the opportunities these technologies for humanities teaching, research and outreach? How to engage our own students in this type of work? What devices and platforms are we and others using, and what seem to hold the most promise? What opportunities are there for cross institutional collaboration?
categorie: Proposte di sessione