Session Idea: Exploring ways in which social media can support or engage digital storytelling
We propose a general discussion focused on the topic of social media and digital storytelling. In Web 2.0 storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre, Alexander and Levine talk about the emergence of storytelling as “open-ended, branching, hyperlinked, cross-media, participatory, exploratory, and unpredictable” (2008) experience. But social media also provides opportunities to develop narratives that embrace multiple authoritative and personal voices, provide multi-layered experiences, inspire learning and creativity, and an opportunity to capture otherwise unheard stories.
For our purposes storytelling is interdisciplinary and can include but is not limited to historical narratives, personal narratives, art narratives, fiction, nonfiction, and collaborative writing projects and whatever else you define as storytelling.
We invite you to join us in an open conversation about the role of social media in storytelling; share best practices, resources and inspirational projects; as well as to explore the challenges posed in the quest to facilitate meaningful narratives through social media.
The conversation will be open-ended based on participants interests, jedoch, possible topics of conversation may include:
- how are social media platforms being used for digital storytelling
- what is the best way to frame content to make it desirable
- how can social media engage multiple authoritative and personal voices
- how do we facilitate meaningful conversation on social media channels
- how can storytelling through social media unlock creativity and empower learning
- what are the challenges posted by storying telling through social media
- how can we preserve this stories for the future
- how can we link together stories and conversations created on multiple platforms
We would like to hear what your interests are in this area.
Maureen Lane & Brittany Baksa, Phillips Museum of Art-Franklin & Marshall College
Categories: Session: Diskussion, Social Media Tags: session idea, storytelling