Talk and then Make: Teaching with Big Data
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Preplanned Sessions
Registration Reaching Cap
Digital Storytelling, March 25

Photo & Video impression THATCamp 2016
Notes from Network Analysis session
Notes from Marketing as a Digital Humanist session
Schedule of THATCamp

Request: Teach session on Topic modeling

Make session: Registry of Digital Projects in History of Science
Proposal for a Play session: Creating a basis for historical GIS research in Amsterdam
First Draft of Schedule
Proposal for a Teach and Talk session: The creation of 3/4D models as integral part of historical research.
Proposal for talk session: How to teach artistic digital thought in Age 2.0
Proposal for a Talk Session: DH and Libraries
Postcast on Games in the Classroom

Proposal for a Teach and Talk session: The role of Crowdsourcing in humanities scholarship
The Future of History
Proposal for a Talk Session: Digital Trauma Studies