Pop Up Linked Open Data – Libraries, Archives Museums (LODLAM)
What is linked open data? Well, that’s something many of us in the arts, humanities and GLAM sector are trying to get to grips with.
This post links to that of Roger’s on Digital ANZAC. There’s a move in the linked open data – libraries, archivio, museums around the globe to test out linked open data in diverse ways. One of the areas where people are looking at to test out this new method of providing scholarly (arts and humanities) and GLAM collection data is around providing content online associated with the ANZACs and WWI (1914-1918) to align with the 100 year commemoration in 2014. From what I can glean there are murmurs in the UK, NZ and also in OZ on that front. See also the Europeana 1914-1918. Your Family History of World War One project that has (I think) helped to inspire this venture.
Il Pop Up LODLAM that will be a part of the THATCamp Brisbane unconference at The Edge is an opportunity to learn from others, participate in discussions and share ideas about how linked open data might be applied practically. There’s also the added incentive that there will be a LODLAM Challenge, which will award travel grants of up to $2,000 to up to five winning teams that enter their LODLAM project, toolset or prototype into the ring. These 5 teams will compete for a cash prize in an American Idol/Apprentice style pitch at the Summit to a panel of judges.

Yarraville pop up park | haikugirloz | CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Maybe some participants at the THATCamp might have a super idea to pitch? Details for the Summit should appear on the LODLAM website on September 1, including the application process.
categorie: Dati Linked tag: announcements, lodlam linked open data