Linked Data per principianti
Teach Proposta: IIIF
Omeka S, anyone?
What’s new in institutional repositories?
Digital East St. Louis Project Notes
Proposal: Garbage Reconciliation: Data Cleaning and Linking
Bibliographic metadata & art

Linked data for cultural heritage metadata
Data Curation for the Humanist
Digital Humanities and Academic Entrepreneurship
OpenRefine Demo
Session2: what do we want? xX. Where do we want it? now!
Discussione: Our mothers said, “Protest March!” but we say, “Online Organizing!”
BL Labs Competition – Tips, Advice and Looking at BL Data
Big Data for Musicology
The Citizen Curator Project
Playtesting Sembl, the game of analogy
Sessione: Dati Linked & the Semantic Web—Making Human Knowledge Programmable
Sessione Proposta: Come usiamo l'archivio digitalizzato? (a “discorso” sessione)

LOD? Linked Open Data
Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory and CWRC Writer
linked Ben Yehuda: סימון מקומות, תאריכים ואנשים וחיבור למידע
השוואה בין כלל הכתבים בפרויקט לכתבים באתרים פתוחים
Got Data?