When anything was doable
Incorporando #minicomp migliori pratiche in DH
Punti di forza e le esigenze dei nostri Istituzioni – Come possiamo costruire collaborazioni trasversali e una comunità di pratica (Talk Session)
Visita il Digital Hub!
Etica, Autorità, and Collaboration
Sessione Proposta: Moving forward with the text “Digital History and Argument”

Directory of Caribbean DH/Digital Scholarship Projects
Mapping old and new routes between Florida and Cuba (a DH project in progress)
Costruire database di storia,,en,Cosa c'è di Overkill,,en,Hope Gillespie,,en,Creare uno storyboard Lettere in PBS LearningMedia,,en,Laurel Wyckoff,,en,THATcamp Central New Mexico,,en,Fletcher Durant,,en: What’s Overkill?

Intro to TagTeam
A Play Session: Using the Aurasma App to Create an Augmented Reality Experience
Let’s Get Proposing!
Talk Session Proposal: Digital Project Revival?

Texas Regional DH Communities:TXDHC

Digital Project Management
Proposal for a Teach and Play Session: Testing a tool chain for humanities research
Wikipedia editing
Digital East St. Louis Project Notes
Omeka Notes
The Wide, Ampia Digital Edition Mondiale, un progetto DH SIUE

Talk Session: Le domande DH per indigena culturale conoscenza tramite luogo sulla base Istruzione