Notecards for the New Century: Best Practices for Personal Databases
INSEGNARE: Database fundamentals

INSEGNARE: What can a SPARQL endpoint do for you?
Link to Data Dump/Analyze/Display Session
Attribuzione e collaborazione
XML, OAC, RDF, JSON-LD and the king stood: the universe is metadata

EAC-CPF discussion
Down and dirty with mhealth tweets + SNA
Connecting the personal story to public history for academia and journalism

650 x| Computer network resources (Discussion of dh and discoverability)

“Mapping Segregation: Racial patterns of residence, land ownership, and rentals in Rivanna Dist., Albemarle County”
Flussi di lavoro paralizzanti o parallelizzazione per Collezioni digitali The Power of Annotation (Talk Session)

Discussione & Insegnare: Il mio amico a volte il database
Socially Performing Media
Supporting Multimodal Projects
Networked Books

Designing DH websites in public humanities with multimodal functions (mapping, archiving, crowd sourcing, and curating)