Messages de novembre 2010 (51 trouvé)
Making DH Multilingual

Database Design for the Humanities
The Paperless Professor
Introducing: THATCampLite Bay Area
Sunday expedition: Monticello!
Collaborative DIY digitization and virtual research environments
How Much Data Modeling Is Enough?
Twitter in the Classroom?
What Tools Do Researchers Reliant on Born-digital Primary Sources Use—and Need?
Guide to Doctoral Programs in English and Other Modern Languages
Georeferencing digital collections
Il’s a user-generated world . . .
Surfer sur le collection de DVD numérique
Talkin’ One Week | One Tool, and/or Anthologize, and/or Linked Data
The Book & Monograph Remixed: Digital Age Meets Analog Practices
Support for Dig Hum Research
an R&D agenda for embodied interaction in DH?
500-word THATCamp session posts
Information Overload: Condensing a wealth of resources into a format digestible for students