Visualisations pour les historiens numériques,en
Building quick and easy timelines with TimeMapper
Mapping old and new routes between Florida and Cuba (a DH project in progress)
EU Law, Technological Protection Measures, and Mining Material that is Under Copyright

Network Visualization Tutorial
The Library as Junk Shop (play/teach)
Tool Sharing

Visualization play
SIUE Landscape and Naming History
Sundown Towns: A Hidden Narrative of Illinois
Mapmaking session notes
Proposition de session: Making Maps With Computers

Proposal: Virtual & Augmented Reality for Academic and Research Projects

Aesthetics & Je Ne Sais Quoi in the Processes and Products of Academia and Design
Metadata as Data: How the Libraries Can Support Digital Humanities Projects

Working Group Proposal: Using APIs to Map Data on Historic Places
Visual Literacy and DH
TEACH/PLAY – Scaling Up Impact
Audio feature extraction and data visualization

Linked data for cultural heritage metadata
Idea: Exploring Collection Data?