Let’s résoudre le NYT Crossword Puzzle!
La propriété intellectuelle et le domaine public
Cartographes pour les nuls
Why is social media hard to analyse?
A simple tutorial using Open Refine to prepare messy historical data to be mapped in Google Fusion tables.
Exploring large annotated datasets for interesting information
Introduction à la GATE pour l'analyse de texte

What can you do with this data ??
Corpus logiciel d'analyse

3d printing and our rights in the makerspace
The Library as Junk Shop (play/teach)

E-lit & web writing (play/make)
Workshops that I can teach at the drop of a hat
Let’s Get Proposing!

Visualization play
Teaching with Twitter
Mapmaking session notes
Jouer Session Proposition: Text Adventures: Interacting and Creating Narrative History through Accessible Programming
Proposition de session: Come learn more about SIUE’s IRIS Center!
Proposition de session: Making Maps With Computers
Talk/Play Session-Digital East St. Louis