Listen, Discuter, Discuter: session du Groupe spécial ouvert pour qui: Une conversation avec les éditeurs de revues en accès ouvert
Talk Session Proposal: Le choix d'une plate-forme DH 2019
Des outils pour obtenir le contenu multimédia en ligne
What’s new in institutional repositories?
The Library as Junk Shop (play/teach)
Wikis and Wikithons
Jekyll (AKA static-site generators)
Wikipedia editing
The Wide, Wide World Digital Edition, an SIUE DH Project

Make Session Proposal: Collecting/Writing Your Regional DH Work into an OpenAccess EBook
Notes for Building A Public Humanities Website session

Publishing Makerspace notes
Omeka Bootcamp

Publishing Makerspace
Building a Public Humanities Website: The 18th-Century Common
Publishing THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Procédure
Personal Digital Archiving: or don’t let your hard work go to waste
Innovation on the Open Frontier: Digital Humanities in an Age of Liminality
Let’s Build an Edition!
All Variously Imperfect: The Problem of Representing Text Digitally
Curating across the Curriculum
Open Educational Resources in History: Where to Start and What to Do

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