Posts from 2015 (424 fundar)
Atelier : création d’une communauté en arts et humanités numériques
Sign Up for the Lightning Round!
Physical spaces that support digital scholarship
THAT (The Humanities and Twitter) Camp
Registration will close Friday May 1 en 10:00a.m
Git and Github
Metadata Standards and Ethics
OpenRefine Demo
Climate change for the rest of us
Open Access Scholarly Publishing – are we still bound by the print model? Should we be?
To Be A Coder or Not To Be A Coder
The five year forever
Welcome to THATCamp Buffalo 2015 at D’Youville College!
proposal for Teach session

Programar – updated
Creating faculty collaborations in digital collections

Apps to promote the «Make it» movement in the Humanities
“The Swinging Bridge, Ramabai Espinet”: The Digital Reference Guide as Final Project
Some Potential Session Ideas
Making Difficult Transitions