Recientes THATCamp Mensajes

Workshop Proposal #1: Backing Up Your Google Drive

Session Proposals Now Open
Save the Date! THATCamp Languages 2014
Workshop Proposal – From Imagination to Visualization

The Three and a Half Ground Rules of ThatCamp

Post Your Bio!
Kirsten Delegard – crowd-sourced online transcription projects
Beth Belanger – mapping tools + teaching digital skills
Michael Van Wagenen – Historian/filmmaker collaborations in educational media
Will Walker – Digital tools and strategies for sharing oral histories in public programs

Dork Shorts

Vote in the first THATCamp Council election

Propuesta de sesión #3: Making Connections Between High Schools and Community Colleges

Storytelling Online / ¿Cuál es tu historia? notas

Culturas Mapping Food
Notes from Digital Identities session

Jackson Ward, then and now

Dork enlaces cortos

Algo pasa con notas Cartografía
Institutonal resistance to change notes