Posts from 2014 (554 fundar)

Quelling Digital Panic in the Classroom

Registration is open for THATCamp Alabama 2014!
Apps for Teaching with Twitter
Call for Proposals, Bootcamp Updates and Directions
City of Learning Programs and Digital Badges: Expanded Ecologies of Learning

Digiped on the Margins? Navigating Access and Support Issues

Resources from THATCamp Newark Collaboration 2014
Lunch options, tardily
Sustainability is a red herring
Link to Various Google Docs
DH Pregrado
Multi-campus teaching projects
Serendip-o-matic (almost) one year later
Opening Comments — The Links
Mojar un dedo del pie en D3.js
Anotación Más allá del texto

Syllabi for «Intro to DH» (and related) courses

Save the Date!

¿Qué ven cuando miran visualizaciones?
GIS Document Thursday morning
A few tips for campus visitors from the Niles Gallery manager