We’ll Always Have THATCamp
Just (geo)Duckie
THATCamp Reflections

Bliss was it in that dawn
A Career Forged in THATCamps
I Am Here to Have Fun!
THATCamp and Digital Art History
Reflections on THATCamp, the Franchise
Growing up with THATCamp

Contribute to the THATCamp retrospective

Announcing THATCamp retrospective and sunsetting
Thatcamp Followup
Die Einbeziehung #minicomp Best Practices in DH

Seh dich am Freitag!
Stärken und Bedürfnisse unserer Institutionen – Wie können wir Cross-Kooperationen und eine Gemeinschaft der Praxis bauen (Diskussion Session)

HistoryForge Werkstatt


Mark Your Calendar! THATCampCNY, Oktober 25, 2019
Was ist mit Archivmaterial Digitalisierungs?

The Digital Public Library of America: A Tool for Humanities Pedagogy and Research
Linked Data für Anfänger



Session-Vorschlag: Teaching Literature In A Course On Digital & Electronic Literature