When anything was doable
Die Einbeziehung #minicomp Best Practices in DH
Stärken und Bedürfnisse unserer Institutionen – Wie können wir Cross-Kooperationen und eine Gemeinschaft der Praxis bauen (Diskussion Session)
Besuchen Sie den Digital Hub!
Ethik, Behörde, and Collaboration
Session-Vorschlag: Moving forward with the text „Digital History and Argument“

Directory of Caribbean DH/Digital Scholarship Projects
Mapping old and new routes between Florida and Cuba (a DH project in progress)
Building History Databases: What’s Overkill?

Intro to TagTeam
A Play Session: Using the Aurasma App to Create an Augmented Reality Experience
Let’s Get Proposing!
Talk Session Proposal: Digital Project Revival?

Texas Regional DH Communities:TXDHC

Digital Project Management
Proposal for a Teach and Play Session: Testing a tool chain for humanities research
Wikipedia editing
Digital East St. Louis Project Notes
Omeka Notes
The Wide, Wide World Digital Edition, an SIUE DH Project

Diskussion Session: DH Applications for Indigenous Cultural Knowledge via Place Based Education