When anything was doable
Playing at Academia

Bliss was it in that dawn
The Unreality of THATCamp
Thatcamp, DH, and my Wardrobe
Where We All Ended Up
Omeka S, anyone?
What’s new in institutional repositories?
Vorschlag für Gesprächssitzung: Back to the Hyper-Web: Ted Nelson’s Dream Machine/Comp Lib Revisited
Talk Session Proposal: Digital Project Revival?
Dork Shorts Vorschlag: Eisbrecher Umfrageergebnisse!
50 Shades of Icebreakers
Wo kommt der Tech wir uns verwenden scheitern?
Introduction/Blank Canvas
Gender, Diversity, Engaged Scholarship and DH
THATCamp Cleveland 2015 Cancelled
Wherefore art thou, THATCampCleveland?

Registratie is geopend!
Session-Vorschlag: Digital (and Analog) Tools for Digital (and Analog) Scholars

Dinner / Happy Hour Options for Friday

Thank you!
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