Digital Scholarly Editions — Challenges and Opportunities

Some more possible workshops/discussions
Let’s Build an Edition!
All Variously Imperfect: The Problem of Representing Text Digitally

De Gruyter – Thatcamp 2015 AAR/SBL Sponsor
TEI, Poetic Analysis, and Interchange

Hacking TEI Boilerplate
Annotate the World Using Genius

Text to Image Linking Tool (TILT)
Making Maps for Beginners and Experts
Session-Vorschlag: Digital (and Analog) Tools for Digital (and Analog) Scholars

Pros and cons; pitfalls and tips
Workshop Proposal–The Classroom as Humanities Lab and Digital Research
Diskussion Session: Multimodal Publication
Markup (TEI/XML?) for Hebrew Bible Research and Teaching
Partizipative DH The Power of Annotation (Diskussion Session)
Digital Editions
Supporting Multimodal Projects
Aggregating and Curating Scholarship on the Open Web: The Why and How (Talk and Play Session)

The versatility of TEI: some projects

Manuskript Beschreibung und die Möglichkeiten der digitalen Bearbeitung mit TEI-konformes XML