Lassen Sie uns lösen das NYT Kreuzworträtsel!
Geistiges Eigentum und Gemeinfreiheit
Kartografie für Dummies
Why is social media hard to analyse?
A simple tutorial using Open Refine to prepare messy historical data to be mapped in Google Fusion tables.
Exploring large annotated datasets for interesting information
Einführung in GATE für Textanalyse

What can you do with this data ??

3d printing and our rights in the makerspace
The Library as Junk Shop (play/teach)

E-lit & web writing (play/make)
Workshops that I can teach at the drop of a hat
Let’s Get Proposing!

Visualization play
Teaching with Twitter
Mapmaking session notes
Play Session Proposal: Text Adventures: Interacting and Creating Narrative History through Accessible Programming
Session-Vorschlag: Come learn more about SIUE’s IRIS Center!
Session-Vorschlag: Making Maps With Computers
Talk/Play Session-Digital East St. Louis