Ethik, Behörde, Consent, Respect, Legitimacy notes Google Doc

Digital Storytelling Google Doc
Notes from Teaching DH breakout group
Tool-Sharing Session
Introduction to Omeka
Der Erwerb Social Media Daten
Teaching Intro to Digital Humanities Courses
Theme Announcement: Mapping and GIS
Visualizations for Digital Historians
Session Notes: Invisible Labor of Digital History Collaboration & I vs. We in DH
Tool Sharing
Wikis and Wikithons
Teaching Technological and Information Literacy- 11:30AM Session, Funger 220
Omeka Notes
Notes for Facilitating Online Discussion session
Hinweise für den Aufbau einer öffentlichen Humanities Webseite Sitzung

Hinweise für die Wechselwirkung zwischen Archivmaterialien und (Digital) Humanities
Notes for Copyright: Confusion? Concern? Comprehension!
Notes for Games & the Humanities session
Notes for GIS & Humanities session