Posts tagged 'education'(36 gefunden)

Sprechen-Make Crash Course: Geistiges Eigentum und Verwendung von Bildern für die Klassen, Blogs, und Websites
Vorschlag für Gesprächssitzung: Where does Alabama stand in digital education?
Multiple (Competing?) Digital Literacies
Multiple (Competing?) Digital Literacies
Multiple (Competing?) Digital Literacies
Multiple (Competing?) Digital Literacies
Multiple (Competing?) Digital Literacies
Multiple (Competing?) Digital Literacies
Multiple (Competing?) Digital Literacies
Multiple (Competing?) Digital Literacies
Multiple (Competing?) Digital Literacies
Session Idea: Literacy – True, Functional & Tech
Session Idea: Literacy – True, Functional & Tech
Session Idea: Literacy – True, Functional & Tech
Session-Vorschlag: Museum GPS for Kids
„Making“ New Public History Jobs in the DH
Demonstrating the value of DH/DL/DA projects in a tl;dr world
On-line threaded discussions
Session-Vorschlag: Playing Doing History…Online…Without a Teacher
Session-Vorschlag: Playing Doing History…Online…Without a Teacher
Session-Vorschlag: Playing Doing History…Online…Without a Teacher
Session Idea: Online access and education