Imagining THATClass: Hazte a un lado STEM, Make Room for QUE!
Dork Shorts
Omeka Session
A Digitally Enabled Museum Studies Curriculum?

A few ideas for sessions

Websites, Collaboration with Indigenous Nations, Enseñanza

Social Web Monitoring for Online Collections & Institutions
Una sesión de lluvia de ideas para la historia Pública Commons?
The Open Library of the Humanities: Building an Open, Scalable, Massive, Sustainable, Humanities Megajournal
Feminism, Video Games, and You
Digitizing Zines: Tensions Between Digital Desires & Print Culture Ideals

Propuesta Sesión: FemTechNet and the DOCC

Propuesta de sesión: Discussion of gender consturction in public digital spheres
Performing Public Philosophy

Propuesta Sesión: Gamification and «thirding» the DH Intro

Propuesta Sesión: Video game studies and DH

Propuesta de sesión: Speaking Silence: Race, Racism, and Feminism in the Academy

Seconding the Intro to DH workshop

Propuesta Sesión: creating a Community DH Center or Tech Hub
Institutional Anniversaries: Strategies for Archivists and Librarians

Does it count?

I’ll need a pot of coffee,12 jammy dodgers, and a fez…
[Talk/Make] The Untapped Power of Digital Readers: Why are we still reading the same way?