Aktuelle Beiträge Thatcamp
Writing and Researching the Translingual
General Schedule and Locations
Google Map for THATCamp Caribe

MOOCs Workshop

Welcome to THATCamp Western New York 2013!
Session-Vorschlag: Teaching race and colonialism with digital humanities

Crowdsourcing in the Humanities and Cultural Sector
Let’s talk about Linked Data and LODLAM
Do Digital Critics Dream of Electric Texts? (- or – Genres, Media, Culture, & Technology, Respectively)
Thank You
Session on The Bibliography, Or Something Old is New Again

Session on DH Training for Students
Starting a Digital Humanities Program Session

Please evaluate THATCamp DH and Libraries

Links to session notes

Session Notes for Building Sustainable DH Projects

Session on collaboration between faculty and libraries on DH projects

Good morning, campers!