Aktuelle Beiträge Thatcamp

THATCamp CAA 2014 Reflection Session at the Hilton, Marquette Room, 3rd Floor

It’s session proposing time!
Session Notes: Art Writing On The Web (or „DH is just net art from 1995!“)
Digital Art History Research Group, UBC – presentation

Welcome to THATCamp at JHU 2014!
Applying Computer Vision to Art History
Read this alongside Lev Manovich’s talk at 4:45pm, THATCamp CAA Day 2
creating a crowdsourced set of readings for the art history survey
introducing digital methods to art history undergrads

Notes from crowdsourcing, tagging, collective cataloging project
NOTES: Andrianna Campbell and Ellen Tani – The Impact of Digital Media on the Curatorial Process
Digital Methods for Undergrads

Omeka resources
representing uncertainty
Art + Feminism Wikipedia Meetup
How Can Art Historians Publish Their DH Projects?, Part II: Resources

Kirsten Ataoguz – How Can Art Historians Publish Their DH Projects?
Collaborative doc for Digital Publishing lightening talk

Notes from Linked Open Data
linked Ben Yehuda: סימון מקומות, תאריכים ואנשים וחיבור למידע
השוואה בין כלל הכתבים בפרויקט לכתבים באתרים פתוחים