Recent THATCamp Posts

THATCamp CAA 2014 Reflection Session at the Hilton, Marquette Room, 3rd Floor

It’s session proposing time!
Session Notes: Art Writing On The Web (or “DH is just net art from 1995!”)
Digital Art History Research Group, UBC – presentation

Welcome to THATCamp at JHU 2014!
Applying Computer Vision to Art History
Read this alongside Lev Manovich’s talk at 4:45pm, THATCamp CAA Day 2
creating a crowdsourced set of readings for the art history survey
introducing digital methods to art history undergrads

Notes from crowdsourcing, tagging, collective cataloging project
Digital Methods for Undergrads

Omeka resources
representing uncertainty
Art + Feminism Wikipedia Meetup
How Can Art Historians Publish Their DH Projects?, Part II: Resources

Kirsten Ataoguz – How Can Art Historians Publish Their DH Projects?
Collaborative doc for Digital Publishing lightening talk

Notes from Linked Open Data
linked Ben Yehuda: סימון מקומות, תאריכים ואנשים וחיבור למידע
השוואה בין כלל הכתבים בפרויקט לכתבים באתרים פתוחים