Session Proposal: Recycling old media tools for new creative expression
Proposal: Productivity web site
Proposal: Digital Storytelling

Open source toolkit for working with social media/networks

This and THATCamp Sussex Humanities Lab: debrief
Building quick and easy timelines with TimeMapper

Augmenting Art with Aurasma
Build-A-Bot Workshop
Let’s Get Proposing!

MAKE: Capturing Data Locked Away In History Books
Create A Humanities Storyboard in PBS LearningMedia
Mapping the US History Survey

Make session: Registry of Digital Projects in History of Science

Metadata & DH
Towards a Humanities and Data Science Syllabus
Wikipedia editing
Mapmaking session notes
Make Session Proposal: Creating a Community Curation Platform for Child-Appropriate Web Videos

Session Proposal: Introduction to Text Mining with the HathiTrust Research Center

Make Session Proposal: Collecting/Writing Your Regional DH Work into an OpenAccess EBook

Make Session – Digital Humanities Toolkit via LibGuides
Computer models and simulations in higher education
Make Session-Teaching with Omeka