Incorporating #minicomp best practices into DH
Developing an Algorithmic Awarness in the Classroom
Intellectual Property and the Public Domain
Session Proposal: Moving forward with the text “Digital History and Argument”
Session Proposal–Teaching with Wikipedia

That Thing You Use
VPNs, Piratebox, and TailsOS
Building History Databases: What’s Overkill?
Tool Sharing
The Value of Federal Support for DH with Diane Cline
Teaching Technological and Information Literacy- 11:30AM Session, Funger 220

E-lit & web writing (play/make)
Jekyll (AKA static-site generators)

Picking Each Others’ Brains: Teaching Tips, Tools, and Techniques
A Play Session: Using the Aurasma App to Create an Augmented Reality Experience
Let’s Get Proposing!