Talk Session Proposal: Navigating the Maze of GIS Options
Corpus Analysis Software
Session Proposal: Moving forward with the text “Digital History and Argument”
Session Proposal–Teaching with Wikipedia
Mapping old and new routes between Florida and Cuba (a DH project in progress)
EU Law, Technological Protection Measures, and Mining Material that is Under Copyright
Building History Databases: What’s Overkill?
Tool Sharing

Humanities Data – discussion & brainstorming

Session Proposal: DH Failures – What can we learn from them?
Towards a Humanities and Data Science Syllabus
Proposal for a Teach and Play Session: Testing a tool chain for humanities research
LA Review of Books series on DH

Proposal: Virtual & Augmented Reality for Academic and Research Projects
Virtual Play as a Tool to Understand Implications of Technology
Winks and twitches, likes and comments: discussing digital ethnography
Vim for Digital Humanists: Editing Academia’s Incomprehensible Prose at the Speed of Thought
Personal Digital Archiving: or don’t let your hard work go to waste
Talk Session: Stop, Collaborate & Listen
Comparing institutional sponsored research practice in DH and STEM disciplines. Funding ceilings, overhead costs, and perceived “taxes” in DH research proposals.
Audio feature extraction and data visualization
Session Proposal: Data Sources for DH