Digital cultural heritage and the gamification of the past
Augmented Reality
Teach Proposal: IIIF
Session Proposal: Moving forward with the text “Digital History and Argument”

Directory of Caribbean DH/Digital Scholarship Projects
Mapping old and new routes between Florida and Cuba (a DH project in progress)
Discussion Group: Exploring the Sustainability of Various Digital Platforms
The Library as Junk Shop (play/teach)
Session Notes: Invisible Labor of Digital History Collaboration & I vs. We in DH
A Play Session: Using the Aurasma App to Create an Augmented Reality Experience
Let’s Get Proposing!
Create A Humanities Storyboard in PBS LearningMedia
Session Proposal: Introduction to Digital Humanities

Request: Introduction to Zotero

Digital Project Management
Proposal for a Teach and Play Session: Testing a tool chain for humanities research
Institutional Support for Digital Scholarship (Including Digital Humanities)
Proposal: “Hello World” Arduino
Digital Humanities: Infrastructure & Sustainability
Archiving the Digital Humanities – Digital Humanities at the University of Cincinnati and Scholar@UC
Personal Digital Archiving: or don’t let your hard work go to waste
Metadata as Data: How the Libraries Can Support Digital Humanities Projects
Proposal: Integrating Library Resources