Posts from 2015 (424 fundar)
Discusión: Alt-scholarship as feminist writing
Using the Omeka Platform
Hacer: Feminizing the American Art Frontier: Curating a Women and Gender Studies Digital Gallery
Discusión: StoryCorps and the Expansion of Oral History to the Masses
Propuesta Sesión: how to use Zotero?
Propuesta Sesión: taking the ‘human’ out of digital humanities
Discusión: Our mothers said, «Protest March!» but we say, “Online Organizing!”

Sessievoorstel: digitale geletterdheid van studenten
Discusión: Intro to Feminist Concepts in Donna Haraway’s «Cyborg Manifesto»

NO MORE! Servers in Our Homes

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Schedule For THATCamp Community College 2015
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Asexuality Awareness via Technology

Hacking TEI Boilerplate

Digital Appalachia 2015

Propuesta Sesión: What is DARIAH anyway?
Talk Session on Cultural Anthropology of Video Games
THAT Camp at 2015 OAH Annual Meeting in St. Louis!

Engaging Students in the Creation of Electronic Editions
THATCamp University of Cincinnati 2015