Collaboration Across Institutional Boundaries
Tools and Tactics for Advocacy and Outreach

Shock & Awe, Business Cards, and the DH Elevator Pitch
Building an Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities/New Media Community in the Deep South

How long, how much, how many

Alcune idee per le sessioni

Websites, Collaboration with Indigenous Nations, Insegnamento
Crowdfunding Projects
Sessione Proposta – La promozione della ricerca DH: che cosa è un archivio da fare?
The Digital Trojan Horse: Is DH Being Co-opted?

IT wishlist
Staffing to support Digital Humanities initiatives at the university
Building Sustainable DH Projects w/ Re-usable Components
Working Session Proposal: Overhauling a Database of Annotations
Crowdfunding Progetti storia orale
THATCamp Theory approaches
Small-Scale Digital Archiving Sans Institutional Support (relatedly, Kickstarter)
Things I’d love to discuss

DH collaborazione: Lacs, R1, e istituzioni culturali