Session proposal: What Should the Next THATCamp(s) Look Like?
Session proposal: What should the ideal Digital Humanities course look like?
Session proposal: Humanities GIS. Is there a point(x,y)?

Session proposal: Tumblr as Introductory Platform for Digital Scholarship
Talk Proposal – Teaching with digital tools
Voorgestelde sessies
Talk session: The Ethics of Underground Access to Texts
Talk Session: Intellectual Authority and Online Sources
Talk Session: Does Religious Studies Need Its Own Hashtag?

Proposal: GIS and Appalachian Studies
Session Proposal: How Can Digital Content Staff at Museums and Archives Best Help Scholars?
Session Proposal: Social Objects and Technological Collections
Building Online Collections for Digital Historians

TALK session — Building the IsisCB Platform
Searchable digital repository of Aboriginal history
More conceptual searching
Questions for making and thinking DH
Session Proposal: Textbook Free!
Session Proposal: Hacking Computing History / HOT

Session: Diskussion zu Semantic Web und Linked Open Data in den Geisteswissenschaften

Session: Datenmanagement und digitale Langzeitarchivierung in den Geisteswissenschaften: Segen oder Last?
Accessibility and the Digital Humanities
Talk Session-Rethinking the Relationship Between Writing and Civic Education in an Age of “Mass Self-Communication”
Digital Social Editions and Interdisciplinary Communities