Recientes THATCamp Mensajes
museum-site visitor feedback
teaching basic tech skills quickly, to get to the good stuff
You are invited to THATCamp London 2013
Logistics Info

Possible topic–social annotation

Idea Sesión [Hacer] – Build a Linode Stackscript for a Digital Humanities/Library Application Stack

Registration is Closed

Lecture Thursday Feb. 28

Mapping/Taxonomizing the vSocial Reading (and Writing)

Barriers to Social Reading Projects

Improving a Teaching and Reading Tool

Make session: Social Reading Toolkit

Re-Packaging Irksome Toil

the future of citation

From Social Computing to Social Reading
Visual Historiography: Tools for Analyzing/Visualizing Journal Content
Snow Fall & Digital Story Telling
History Harvests/Photo Scanning Events: Collecting ‘the People’s History’
THATCamp is coming to Ghent!
Data Visualization

Propuesta de sesión: GLAM Workshops with Impact
Mobile Application for Humanities Research (MAFHR)