Aktuelle Beiträge Thatcamp

Registration is open!

Innovations in peer review: open peer review, post-publication review and more
#1B1T: Twitter’s social reading of American Gods
Additional Campers Wanted!

Lightning Talks
Robinson Crusoe in the Public Sphere
THATCamp CAA Day 2: Digital Platforms and Tools Usher In New “Ways of Seeing” Art History
Alternate proposal–Smarter screencasting

Session-Vorschlag: Gaming the Library

Session Proposal-Supporting DH Pedagogy for Undergraduates
Media Thread and Digital Pedagogy
Digital Publishing Working Session
Opening session: “The Tidal Wave is Here”
Coding as a Foreign Language
Two Tracks for Digital Humanities Projects – the graduate perspective
A Few Digital Humanities Links and Resources
Session-Vorschlag– Beyond the container: Teaching genre awareness for digital information
Session-Vorschlag: Rethinking Online Exhibits
Lightning talk, Montag 3:30-4PM: Mediathread, Mark Phillipson and Adrienne Garber