Recent THATCamp Posts

Library IT Support: What does your org chart look like?

Research Library as Digital Press?
Staffing to support Digital Humanities initiatives at the university

Collaborations with faculty on DH research

Sign up and propose a session
Training LIS students for DH Work

Mapping networks
Building Sustainable DH Projects w/ Re-usable Components
National Digital Infrastructure

Time to Propose a Session!
Easy Technologies for the Language Classroom

What kind of instruction does your library do for DH students?
Starting a Digital Humanities Program in the Library. How?

Augmented Reality, Museums, and Accessibility

Notes from “Where are all the artists”
Re-Skilling for Research
Everything’s spatial
Session proposal: X things you should know about accessibility and the digital humanities
Session proposal: accessible tools and methods for DH work

Location Map
How do we get content from word clouds?