Recientes THATCamp Mensajes
SLU Center for Digital Humanities
Attribution and Collaboration
Interface Design is a Waste of Time
XML, OAC, RDF, JSON-LD and the king stood: the universe is metadata
THATCamp AAR Workshops: Introduction to Omeka

Juega / Make session: Listen to Wikipedia Guided Meditation

Links to Notes
Teaching Critical Thinking via Digital Projects
Hacking Role-playing & Storytelling Games
Confirmar participación
Tools for exploring big sound archives
Build a Semi-Automated Geocoding Program for Text Documents
Blurring the Boundaries Between Scholarship, Enseñanza, and Community Outreach Through Digitial Media
The Contribution of Spatial Humanities to Scholarship
Introduction to QGIS
Data Dumping, Data Analyzing, Data Displaying

The Co-evolution of Libraries and DH

EAC-CPF discussion

hackfest, y'all.
Libraries as providers of DH data sources

Thursday’s THATCamp Schedule