Omeka Notes
Individual, «Scholar-Level» Collections and Archives
Exploring Hooks and Filters in Omeka and WordPress

Desafío Hacedor: Honor Thy Colaboradores Omeka Plugin
Omeka Folks
Session Proposal Idea: Software/Platforms for Mapping and Timelines, Debating DH skill sets
Teaching with Omeka
How to use digital video with Omeka
I propose an anti-session on Messing Around Or Maybe Building Something Kinda Neat
Hack Proposals
Tools for Curation and Exhibition of Digital Archives and Scholarly Editions
Are you a Wizard of WordPress? Omniscient with Omeka? Zoltan of Zotero?
A Digital Video Segmentation and Annotation Plugin for Omeka
Slides for the CMS talk
Notes from Intro to Omeka
Extensible mobile history
Archivo, Encoding, and Students, Oh My!
Digital Images – problem space
What Tools Do Researchers Reliant on Born-digital Primary Sources Use—and Need?

Omega: The New Primary Source Anthology?
Teaching Regional History Digitally
MacGyver-ing History: building online community history with only the tools available