Posts from November 2013 (126 found)
Communicating Resources to Researchers – Options suggested during session
Video Essay session update

Teach session: Maak zelf een Geografische & Diachrone Netwerkvisualisatie met nodegoat

Use of open source software – rough notes

Very rough notes from the Digitising NZ books & Audience session
TALK: Communicating Resources to Researchers

Use of open source software in DH
Cat Battles – Using Papers Past Text to seed Game Play

Workshop Digitale Tools voor Historici, door Ilja Nieuwland en Gerben Zaagsma

THATCamp Den Haag gaat van start met workshops Digital History
TALK: Digital Archiving – what is it to you?

TALK: Audience
TEACH: Database fundamentals
TEACH: Using Video Essays as a Research/Teaching Tool
THATCamp Languages 2014
TALK: Exchanging knowledge services for data

TEACH: What can a SPARQL endpoint do for you?

How do I facilitate a session?

The Medieval Institute and the International Congress on Medieval Studies

Session proposal: building a team for dh/Religion projects