Posts from 2014 (554 fundar)
Sessie naar aanleiding van het themanummer Digital History van BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review
THATCamp 2014 Speakers Announced
Kwalitatieve data-analyse software als historische hulpmiddel
Diane M. Zorich: Getting the most out of your THATCamp experience

Welcome to THATCamp Florida 2014!
2014 Particpant: Charlotte Frost

THATCamp The Hague = VOL

Workshop: Building Scholarly Online Art History Archives with Omeka

Shorts Dork URLs

Lugares de interés cerca de THATCamp AHA
(sólo un tema) Making / Kits de historia
Instrucción Superior Ed y Colaboración w / GLAMS?
Digital History and Service Learning
(Discusión, Resource-Making) Are you Annotating or Comparing Digital Images in a CMS?