Organizing GIS in Central Florida
BL Labs Competition – Tips, Advice and Looking at BL Data
Session-Vorschlag: Humanities GIS. Is there a point(x,y)?

Proposal: GIS and Appalachian Studies

Diskussion Session: The Creative and Interpretive Potential of Digital Mapping
Making Maps for Beginners and Experts

Was machen die Leute sehen, wenn sie bei Visualisierungen?

Maps as search interface

Quantifying and Analyzing Meat Consumption Across Cultures

Pros and cons; pitfalls and tips

Animating maps
historical network modeling
Sydney Lines
Workshop Proposal–The Classroom as Humanities Lab and Digital Research

Jackson Ward, then and now
Directions to Balliceaux for post-workshop socializing

What’s Your Story?

something about mapping
השוואה בין כלל הכתבים בפרויקט לכתבים באתרים פתוחים

SobekCM : Introduction to SobekCM’s capabilities for Collaborative Digital Humanities Projects and Making a Project

Teach session: Maak zelf een Geografische & Diachrone Netwerkvisualisatie met nodegoat