Collaborative World Building Using Wikis and Digital Maps
TALK/MAKE – What are the odds: Big data meets political science and they go to the races

Low-Tech Public Humanities

Aesthetics & Je Ne Sais Quoi in the Processes and Products of Academia and Design
Where does the tech we use fail us?
Propuesta Sesión: Operation Sanborn Maps
Let’s Build an Edition!

Collaborative World Building Using Wikis and Digital Maps
MAKE – Digitising a single day

Hack Session: Building a Digital Projects Incubator

Propuesta de sesión–On organic, breathing info management
Talk/Make Session – Scholarship Beyond Print

Proposing Sessions at THATCamp AAR/SBL 2015

THATCamp & Religious Studies at the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
THAT (The Humanities and Twitter) Camp

Apps to promote the «Make it» movement in the Humanities

Digital engagement outside the classroom