DH and the end user
Micro-Details in Macroanalysis
Linked Open Data: Libraries, Archives, Museums (LODLAM)
Social Media in Humanities Teaching and Research
Session Proposal: Technology and Pedagogy: Sufficient and/or Necessary?

Geospatial Showcase
Session Proposal: Envisioning a Digital Harrisburg
Sustainability outside of the Neoliberal box
Session proposal: A solid definition of “open” – – the Open Knowledge Foundation’s “Open Definition”
Session Proposal – – The way we review grant proposals sucks: what if we used scrum?

How to form a THATCamp Coordinating Council
Participatory DH
Paralyzing or Parallelizing Workflows for Digital Collections
“Carpentry” as a Way of Knowing
Defining and Developing the Skills Important to Digital Scholarship
How do we become better advocates for the digital humanities in our institutions?
Beyond Turnitin and anti-plagiarism softwares
Show me your data: Scholarly notes, public expectations

Let’s Make a Humanities Pre-Print Server
Policies and Safe Spaces for Diversity
Talk Session: Spreading Innovation

Talk Session: On the Signals software