Talk Session: A Discussion on Tools to Help Flip a Class

Talk & Teach: My sometimes friend the database
Fight Club
Talk: Alternative Textbooks, MOOCS and Standards in the Humanities Classroom
Digital Editions
Digitizing Research Discussion

Library Science theory and the Humanities
Guilty pleasures . . . for THATCamp!

Finding needles in haystacks
Crowdsourcing the Virtues

Developing subject-based online communities for students in higher education
It’s session proposal time

Session Proposal, Talk: What can we do with the crowd?
Embodied Immersion in Digital Performance: A Forum
Hybrid/online performance pedagogy
Re-Framing Performance in The Digital Age
Socially Performing Media
Talk: Can Technology Help The Performing Arts Community Emerge From Our Bubble?
Will/Can/Should Theatre Join The Digital (R)Evolution?