Session Proposals: WordPress Workshop & Conversation on Scaling & Integrating New Platforms

Toolkit for THATCamp newbies, Dreambook edition
Collaboration Across Institutional Boundaries
Digital Storytelling für Humanisten
Mulling Over Markdown
Tipps und Tricks für das 21. Jahrhundert Forschung und Schreiben
Arbeitsgruppe für Digital Historiker

Blogs in the classroom
Distant, Close, Big, Small: Rethinking the Scale of Things
Tools and Tactics for Advocacy and Outreach

Shock & Awe, Business Cards, and the DH Elevator Pitch
Community and Network Building between DH & Performing Artists
building a repository of publishing contracts
Freeing Images from Inside Digitized Books and Newspapers
A SWAT Team for Old Digital Humanities Sites

THATCamp Epic Play 2013 Storify!

The versatility of TEI: some projects

THATCamp Epic Play Sessions Achieved!

Zwitschern, Tweet, Twet
Visualizing Uncertainty

THATCamp Epic Play Google Docs
Between real and one-way: Relationships with persistent non-player characters.