Session Idea: [Talk/Make]: 50 Ways to be a FOSSer

Session Proposal: Talk about the new White House policy on open access
teaching basic tech skills quickly, to get to the good stuff

Barriers to Social Reading Projects

From Social Computing to Social Reading
Data Visualization

Innovations in peer review: open peer review, post-publication review and more

New Possibilities for Linking Archival Collections Using Encoded Archival Context – Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF)

Talk Session Proposal: Interaction Traces: Reader, Interface, and the Social

Session Proposal: The changing world of ebooks
Session notes for the Classrooms and Learning Spaces Discussion
Oral History and Digital Humanities
Ask Anybody Anything
Participant Pedagogy

Engaging students in the entire process

Teaching literary reading through collaborative annotation
hidden content collections
What does publishing mean?

Talk and Play: Becoming a Better Bloggette
But That’s Not an Essay…
Digital Tools for Literary Analysis
Talk Session: Starting from Scratch

Talk Session: Proceedings of THATCamp