Discusión. Social network data: What can I do with it ?
Mapping old and new routes between Florida and Cuba (a DH project in progress)
Session: Exponer en línea,,en,Casey Wooster,,en,Lo que es corriente en los repositorios institucionales,,en,Los historiadores y la,,en,nueva normalidad,,en,datos Humanidades,,en,Al introducir Fuentes primarias,,en,La materia hace Formato,,en,Robin Boast,,en
Build-A-Bot Taller,,en,Crear un guión gráfico Humanidades en PBS LearningMedia,,en,Laurel Wyckoff,,en,Ben Wright,,en,THATCamp HSS,,en

HathiTrust: colecciones, datasets, potencial

That Thing You Use
Discussion Group: Exploring the Sustainability of Various Digital Platforms

Some more possible workshops/discussions

E-lit & web writing (play/make)
Jekyll (AKA static-site generators)
What’s current in institutional repositories?

Picking Each Others’ Brains: Teaching Tips, Tools, and Techniques
Let’s Get Proposing!
(Digital) Historians and the «New Normal»

Humanities Data – discusión & brainstorming
When Introducing Primary Sources, Does Format Matter?
Teaching with Twitter
Digital Fluency in an «Information Age»
Proposal for talk session: How to teach artistic digital thought in Age 2.0
Propuesta de Discusión Sesión: Back to the Hyper-Web: Ted Nelson’s Dream Machine/Comp Lib Revisited
Using an Unconference Model in Faculty Development for Digital Humanities and Pedagogy
Talk Session Proposal: Digital Project Revival?

Metadatos & DH

Propuesta de sesión: DH Failures – What can we learn from them?