Recenti THATCamp Messaggi
Creating an Omeka site with Amazon Web Services

Officina: Digital Project Management
Officina: Digital Collections and Exhibits with Omeka
Officina: Problemi in Proprietà Intellettuale
Officina: Digital Presentation Tools
Getting ready for THATCamp
Learning from AHAgate: on arts and humanities scholarship in the very early 21st century

Backpacker Explorations of Moments in Learning and Research
Digital Editions

Officina: Introduction to Digital Humanities
Mark your calendars . . .

Perspectivas Globales :: Humanística Digital
Digitizing Research Discussion

Library Science theory and the Humanities
Food & drinks
Wireless network access

Proposal: a play session on text analysis tools
Getting Started
Guilty pleasures . . . for THATCamp!
Digital Shorts

Finding needles in haystacks